Congratulations, you are in the site of the best
school in the world! I say that without any doubts at all. Beechmont is
unashamedly a real 'family school'. Children are here for a minimum of six
hours a day, so we have to provide another home for them, not just a school but
another home.
The staff care and nurture your child for these hours,
so it is important that we teach them the necessary academic skills as well as
providing the love and support for them to grow as people in a safe, secure,
caring and loving environment.
For a small school, we provide a huge range of
activities and experiences for our children, not usually seen in a school of
this size. There are amazing facilities for the children and staff, with plenty
of room for growth.
We are nestled amongst the natural hillside of
Beechmont. Our location is tranquil and that flows on to the children. The
difference between city and country is obvious when you work with our children.
Behaviour is good, with children caring for each other, the environment and
Beechmont school is a brilliant place to be. It is as
simple as that! Have a look around our site and you will see what a special
place Beechmont school is. Feel free to make a time to visit and see how your
family can become part of our wonderful school community.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.