At Beechmont State School
we support students and families through the following services and programs.
Guidance Officer
The school has a visiting Guidance officer who is
available every second Monday. In 2015 our Guidance Officer is Mr Terry
O’Connell. Parents wishing to make an appointment with the Guidance Officer are
welcome to do so via the school office.
Learning Support (literacy & numeracy) and Students
with Disabilities
Mrs Anna Foran works closely with teachers and parents to identify
and support students who have additional learning needs and/or disabilities.
Mrs Foran is at school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and every second Monday, and
operates out of the Green Room.
Speech Language Pathologist
Our school receives service from an Education
Queensland Speech Language Pathologist each term. Referrals to the SLP are made
in consultation with parents and teachers.
Behaviour Support
The school’s behaviour support processes are fully explained
in our Responsible Behaviour Plan (PDF, 422KB)