At Beechmont State School, we ensure effective Teaching and Learning through:
➢ Coherent professional learning plans, developed by the principal and teachers which is monitored for impact.
➢ Intentional collaboration of all staff to enhance teacher and teacher
aide knowledge of evidence-based teaching strategies through:
• All teachers actively engage in ongoing professional learning (including instructional coaching).
• There is a shared understanding of the science of learning, and cognitive load theory, and its application in the classroom.
• Explicit Instruction is an embedded practice in all learning spaces
across the school.
• Pedagogical practice and the implementation of curriculum reflects the evidence of how students learn.
• Students receive multi-tiered systems of support.
• Observation and feedback cycles of focussed evidence-based teaching strategies.
• Weekly meetings with support staff to enhance their knowledge of pedagogy.
• A Beechmont State School Pedagogical placemat is developed by the principal and teachers.
Effective Assessment and Data
➢ There is an implemented schoolwide assessment schedule (data plan) and the analysis of this data is used to inform differentiated teaching identify interventions and ongoing evaluation.
• Develop staff capacity in data literacy, data analysis and data use in teaching.
• Responsive tiered intervention using a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) to target reading using a range of data sets.
• Case management (wrap around) of all students who are at risk across the areas of academic and/or social/emotional (including attendance and behaviour) as per analysis of all data sources.
• Principal and teachers will meet regularly to analyse student data to establish starting points and next steps for teaching, (staff meetings, 1:1 data chats).