At Beechmont State School
we support students and families through the following services and programs.
Guidance Officer
The school has a visiting Guidance officer who is
available every second Friday.
MiniLit & MacqLit
At Beechmont State School, we offer literacy intervention aligned with our P-2 literacy program InitiaLit, created by MultiLit, a
research-based initiative of Macquarie University. See below handouts for more detailed information.
MacqLit Parent Information.pdf
Speech Language Pathologist
Our school receives service from an Education
Queensland Speech Language Pathologist each term. Referrals to the SLP are made
in consultation with parents and teachers.
Behaviour Support
Beechmont State School follows a school-wide, multi-tiered framework (PBL) to proactively manage behaviour. Our three school expectations are:
- Be Safe
- Be Respectful; and
- Be a Learner
These expecations are consistent across all classrooms and programs offered through the school, including sporting activities and excursions.
Our whole school approach to discipline is used to:
- analyse and improve student behaviour and learning outcomes
- ensure that only evidence-based practices are used correctly by teachers to support students
- continually support staff members to maintain consistent school and classroom improvement practices.